Giant schnauzer bite force
Giant schnauzer bite force

An enlarged, powerful image of the Schnauzer. General appearance: Large, powerful, stocky rather than slim. Since 1913 the breed has been registered in a stud book, and in 1925 already the Giant Schnauzer has officially been recognised as a working dog. Our giant schnauzers are coming out of the box at between 400 and 450 psi. The malis and sheps have a bite strength between 200 and, maybe, 300 psi. Bite Me! The other thing about what makes these dogs special is that if you look at the giant schnauzer, its jawline is shaped almost like a C-clamp, versus a V like a shepherd or mali has. An imperturbable dog, prepared for defence, whose appearance fills with respect.

giant schnauzer bite force

Large, powerful, stocky rather than slim. Since 1913 the breed has been registered in a stud book and, in 1925, already the Giant Schnauzer was officially been recognised as a working dog. It is far more easy to obtain a consensus of what conformation is attractive than what temperament is.

giant schnauzer bite force

His heritage was probably one of the cattle herding breeds, which, during the early portion of the 20th century, was expanded to include police and army work. The Giant Schnauzer is among the dogs described as working dogs.

Giant schnauzer bite force